Conscious education to raise happy children who grow to become change makers

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¿Who we are?

Bilingual Montessori

We are a new model of conscious education that, using a bilingual format, combines Montessori philosophy and pedagogy with a methodology based on consciousness, where respecting the essence and individuality of each child, we accompany them to discover their way of looking at the world, understand it, and enjoy it. To learn how to be fully present and open, understanding that actions have an impact on the near and distant environment.

Starting from the sense of purpose and self-realization, we work so that children want to be their best selves, expanding their capacity to develop as integral individuals and then use their knowledge to dream, do, and achieve anything they aim for.

At Uma School, children acquire different tools to eliminate stress, allowing their brains to generate a greater number of neural connections and coherence for better development, while through a loving and respectful bond, we guide each child to release their maximum potential. We provide environments and tasks that promote creativity, curiosity, self-confidence, and independence in children, to develop as change-makers who contribute to a world in constant evolution.



We believe in the infinite potential that each child has, in their individuality and unlimited capacity. We believe that children are in a self-construction process to become the person they will grow to be. Education is a tool for life so that they can find their purpose and awaken the desire to be their best self, feel self-realized, and thereby expand their ability to be, discovering inner happiness and their vital force.

We believe in consciousness as the basis and the awakening of questioning, in working and perseverance with curiosity and creativity to achieve goals and build character, in the sensitivity to develop gratitude and to be able to have a positive impact on their direct environment to build a better future. We believe in applied education, without stress so that children can solve problems, analyze situations, innovate, and transform the world.

Children are innate sensory explorers in the process of conquering their independence, so at Uma School, we offer them an environment that strengthens their development with respect and awareness. We offer a safe place, rich in sensory, movement, social, artistic, and cultural experiences.

We believe in the value of the learning processes, giving children freedom and respecting their decisions at their own pace; starting from each child’s interest to explore all areas, always with clear limits and logical consequences that ensure a harmonious coexistence among children and with the environment.

We believe in maintaining the joy of discovery and the sense of wonder.

Our Principles

we believe in the child

We believe in the infinite potential that each child has, in their individuality, in their natural drive, and unlimited capacity.

We educate towards happiness example

We build a culture of happiness, joy and optimism where children seek excellence and success while they laugh, smile, play and enjoy themselves.

Our values

Consciousness, full presence and connection

Through strong bonds we walk with each child to come into contact with their essence to discover their own way of looking at the world, understanding and enjoying it, to be present and open, considering the impact of their actions.

Sense of purpose and self-actualization

We motivate children to dare to dream big, to trust in their ability to achieve their proposed goals and to have the satisfaction of recognizing everything they have learned.

Character, perseverance and work

We encourage children to know how to take risks, face challenges with internal strength and keep their energy in the face of the obstacles that arise, building up their character and developing a resilient attitude.

Sensitivity, gratitude and impact

We develop empathy and gratitude, creating loving and trusting bonds. We encourage actions that take care of the environment and that have a positive impact on society.

Innovation, critical thinking and problem solving

We teach children to navigate uncertainty, analyze ambiguous and complex situations to adapt to a constantly changing world. With freedom of action, exploration, communication, decision making, and problem solving, we cultivate the spirit of learning with curiosity and creativity.

Our Principles

we believe in the child

We believe in the infinite potential that each child has, in their individuality, in their natural drive, and unlimited capacity.

We educate towards happiness example

We build a culture of happiness, joy and optimism where children seek excellence and success while they laugh, smile, play and enjoy themselves.

Our values

Consciousness, full presence and connection

Through strong bonds we walk with each child to come into contact with their essence to discover their own way of looking at the world, understanding and enjoying it, to be present and open, considering the impact of their actions.

Sense of purpose and self-actualization

We motivate children to dare to dream big, to trust in their ability to achieve their proposed goals and to have the satisfaction of recognizing everything they have learned.

Character, perseverance and work

We encourage children to know how to take risks, face challenges with internal strength and keep their energy in the face of the obstacles that arise, building up their character and developing a resilient attitude.

Sensitivity, gratitude and impact

We develop empathy and gratitude, creating loving and trusting bonds. We encourage actions that take care of the environment and that have a positive impact on society.

Innovation, critical thinking and problem solving

We teach children to navigate uncertainty, analyze ambiguous and complex situations to adapt to a constantly changing world. With freedom of action, exploration, communication, decision making, and problem solving, we cultivate the spirit of learning with curiosity and creativity.


In 1995 Reneé Lan founded Mi Espacio Montessori, with the confidence that education is the only path to make a change. Since then, we have had the privilege of touching the lives of more than 500 children who have been part of this school. In 2023 we transformed into Uma School, growing from only having a children's community (1.5 to 3 years) to a children’s house (3 to 6 years), and later in 2026-2027 we will open an elementary school.

At Uma School we provide personalized attention, having one adult for every 4 to 6 children. All the Guides and assistants are sensitive, committed, highly trained adults, with years of experience to identify the needs of each child, consciously educating them toward happiness.


Since the sense of aesthetic and order are develop at this early age, we take care of the appearance of the space and of the materials, because these awaken the interest for work.

All the furniture in the room is made according to the child’s size and the materials are within his reach. There is nothing that he cannot manipulate within the environment. He is free to act and develop following his own direction, within a framework of harmony and respect towards himself and towards the other people with whom he shares his space. This freedom allows him to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The child creates his order from the order he lives, which is why we strive to keep each material in the environment in perfect condition and always in the same place. The materials link the child with the totality of knowledge; the different areas intertwine, connect and become an integral part of the child's learning.



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¿Cómo integrar la filosofía Montessori en casa?

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¿Cómo enseñar nuevos hábitos a los niños?

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¿Cómo estimular la curiosidad en los niños?

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vivian lan agami y la educación del futuro

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La educación del futuro de Singularity University

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¿Qué es la educación consciente?

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Educación consciente, nuevo modelo educativo

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